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Showing posts from April, 2019

.config files

> To store the connection strings at a place, configuration files are used in .net application.  > We use web.config file for web application and app.config file for windows application. WEB.CONFIG:- •          It’s a configuration file for web application. •          This file is used to store the connection string which contains the code for the connectivity with the data source. •          This file is added by default if we are developing ASP.NET web application. •          The extension of a configuration file is .config . •          A configuration file can store multiple connectionStrings .         APP.CONFIG:- •          It’s a configuration file for windows application. •          This file is also used to store the connection strings which contains the code for the connectivity with the data source. •          This file has to be added explicitly as it is not added by default. •          The extension of this configuratio

ConfigurationManager Class

•          The ConfigurationManager class is used to read the connectionString from the configuration file. •          This class is present in the Configuration namespace. •          The assembly reference of this class is added by default for web application. •          But for windows application,we need to add assembly reference explicitly. •          To add reference in windows application project in visual studio:- •          Go to solution explorer. •          Right-Click on the references section. •          Select the Add Reference option from the menu. •          Select the System.Configuration from the dialog box and click OK. •          The assembly reference is now added for the ConfigurationManager class in windows application. That's it....Thanks for reading this post.


•     While developing any application that has to interact with the data source in order to retrieve,insert,update and delete the data from it, there are possibilities that a developer can make mistakes while establishing connection to the data source by hard coding the ConnectionString in the source code. •        Hard coding such lines of code for an application consumes time and requires man power to make an application work perfectly if the application has many web pages or windows forms. •          The developer has to connect the application to different data source in order to test it. In such situation, hard coding may lead to errors in the source code because we need to make changes for every ConnectionStrings in all web pages/windows forms for a single data source which is definitely error prone and time consuming. •       So to overcome such situation, we have ConnectionStrings class where we place the code of the connection and give that connection; a meanin

Project available: MAVSM

Following project is ready available for academic purpose and business requirements:   Music and Video Store Management (MAVSM): Objectives : The objective of “ Music and Video Store Management ” is to provide such a system that can make the data management process automated for a Music and video store/production house. The system will help the users for the following operations:- Ø   To receive customers’ (regular and visiting) orders. Ø   To keep track of the orders processing detail/status passed at the media creation and processing center. Ø   To generate customers invoice. Ø   To maintain records of the movies and music (old and new) with the data like video and audio quality, bit rate, resolution, format etc. Ø   To maintain the detail of the company that produces or own the movie or music copyrights. Ø   To record sales information as well as royalty calculation given to the company who owns copyrights of the produced movies and music. Ø   To keep

Project available: IPMS

Following project is ready available for academic purpose and business requirements: In-Patient Management System (IPMS): Objective: This project fulfills the requirements of a clinic or hospital to manage in-patient activities i.e. patients who are admitted to the hospital. The objective of “ In-Patient Management ” is to provide such a system that can make the in-patient process automated.  The system will help the users for the following operations:- Ø   The patients’ detail, their medical history information, tests reports that have been done during their stay in the hospital. Ø    The system will even help the users to keep details for medical prescriptions given to the patients. Ø   The system will be able to keep the staff detail (doctors and nurses) detail, their schedule of work etc. Ø   The system will help the nursing staff to allot bed to the patient after having look on the current booking status of  bed i.e. whether it is being booked for o