Learning a new programming language will always be a plus point for your career.
Many developers keep on working with the same programming language throughout the years and that will definitely make them outdated when it comes to skills.
Every year, a developer should have a plan to learn new computer programming language and learning it will never be a waste of time and even does not require much of time from your daily routine.
In this post, we will see 5 points that will help developers or beginners to learn computer programming language without having to worry about their daily routine.
1. Decide a language to learn:
There are thousands of Computer programming languages developed. Many of them have become outdated, many of them are still helping developers to make their projects to be used by the users as these languages have so much to do with the projects features as per the users requirements.
But as a developer, you have to first decide which language should be learnt every year and this should be decided based upon the market trends or project requirements etc. This can also be decided based upon the framework that you have been working since long time.
For example if you are already working on .NET framework and currently using VB.Net in your current project then you can decide to learn C#.Net as you are going to work with .NET Framework only but this time you will be working with C#.Net in your next project.
2. Start with why?
Well, not only a programming language but anything that you are planning to learn in your life should always have this question before you start.
The very first thing that we need to do is to know “Why we are going to learn a new language?” What are its features? How it's going to help in the new or existing projects? etc.
Learning a new programming language is always a good thing but it's better to do a little research about it before you start it. This will help you to pick up a right choice at the right time.
3. Take initiative with small programs:
Have you ever completed big programs with a new programming language for the first time with first attempt? I am sure 'No’.
Once you are done with basic concepts and syntax of a new programming language then start practice with a small program like “hello world” or display your name or current date and time etc.
Never try to make very first program with Complex logic and syntax as beginning should always start with small steps.
Many developers having couple of years of experience in development do such silly mistakes by doing so and this makes them frustrated at the end of the big programs.
Keep things small and simple when you start and grow it gradually day by day.
4. Practice, questions and correction:
Anything that we learn in life needs practice. Same rule applies to programming language too while learning it.
In fact, if you are not practicing it with small programs then you have not learnt it at all.
This means not only typing code in your editor but writing the important things like syntax, logic etc. in a notebook and practicing it.
If you are already working with someone who has already learnt or working on the programming language that you are learning now, then you are lucky because as you have opportunity to ask questions about new language and clear your doubts.
You can even easily correct your mistakes if you have made in your programs during practice by taking advice from the developers.
5. Not only learn but discuss it too:
Discussion of a programming language with your co-workers or friends will always make your learning fast and efficient.
Find an appropriate day and time to have discussion about the programming language that you are learning nowadays or planning to learn.
Showcase and give a demo of the programs or any projects that you have completed with new programming language.
This will help you to correct your mistakes that you might have made while practice.
Believe on what you have practiced with new programming language and discuss it, no matter whether it is to be discussed with your seniors also.
You can even share it on social networking sites like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn etc. and have discussion with your friends about your new learning experience.
That's it's.
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